Author name: Mark Patterson

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Low Rates Can Be Good and Bad

So far, since the beginning of this year, the 10-year Treasury note yield has dropped below 1% creating a lowering of mortgage rates and loan rates in general. So that would be good, right? Well, if you are buying or refinancing a home or even getting a car loan this is good. But if you […]

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401(k) Plan Wants

Research and studies regarding 401(k) plans and their participation or lack thereof is a topic year after year. But reading some material from KRC research has confirmed information that anyone who is involved with managing 401(k) plans in the field probably already knows. On occasions clients will ask me to help them with their 401(k)

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What is “alpha” and How to Create it.

In the world of investment management, the word used to describe growth in a portfolio, typically a short-term one, is Alpha. The definition of Alpha in one of my investment management books is the abnormal rate of return on securities in excess of what would be predicted by an equilibrium model.

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What is the difference between a financial planner, investment advisor and a broker?

Many agents who sell insurance, investment product, investment advice or consider themselves a financial advisor also may hold themselves out as a financial planner. I am not saying that you must have a certification or degree in planning…

What is the difference between a financial planner, investment advisor and a broker? Read More »

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Do I need Assets or Income?

Lately, it seems as though many new clients that I meet with have the same worries. That worry is that they do not have enough money to retire when they want, and that their lifestyle will entail quite a bit less than what they have now. Eating cat food and living in a tar-paper shack

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Black Swan Events

I suppose we have all heard the phrase” black swan event”, which is a metaphor to describe an event that comes as a surprise and has a major effect. Black Swan is derived from the Latin expression coined in the 16th-century when the thinking was that there were no black swans, only white. But in

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What are Off-the-Grid investments?

When I say “Off the Grid” most people probably think of independence from the electric company via solar or the ability to have a self- sustainable food supply with a garden or raising livestock. In other words just living like people did many years ago detached from power companies, grocery stores or town sewer and

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How to Avoid Risky Investments

When you hear the phrase “risky investments”, things like penny stocks, futures contracts, option contracts or junk bonds likely come to mind. But those investments or whatever you want to call them are typically used for speculation or as it used to be called “taking a flier” knowing your odds of success are not great.

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Cash Flow

“Financial planner” is a term that is used by many. Some are legit trained planners, others are insurance sales people or brokers. The real question is; What level of planning do you really need? Do you need a credentialed planner, CPA, Tax attorneys and estate lawyer, or do you need someone that can work through

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Make Cash More Productive

Couple of weeks back, I was speaking about little-known fees inside mutual funds. This cash left inside of mutual funds is not for tactical purposes but for mutual fund outflows. This cash creates “cash drag” that adds to the overall expense of mutual funds. As an advisor who manages money and would never use an

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